Güncel Sayı

Cilt: 2 Sayı: 2, 31.12.2023

Yıl: 2023

The Performance in Sport and Exercise aims to provide its readers with the highest quality and effective articles through a careful peer review and editorial work process. The articles to be published include both detailed scientific methods and guided results for sports professionals, providing the opportunity for immediate application in the field. In this sense, it will contribute to the field of sports sciences by fulfilling the requirements and observing ethical principles.

The Performance in Sport and Exercise is the official journal of Ankara University Performance Analysis in Sports Application and Research Center (ASPAM). The ASPAM is a center established to combine theoretical knowledge and experience in all sports-related subjects and to contribute to the field of sports sciences.
The Performance in Sport and Exercise is published biannually (June and December) in English. The Journal publishes scientific papers in the scope of sport, exercise, physical activity, exercise and health, sports medicine, biomechanics, sport and exercise physiology, sport and exercise psychology, performance in sport, training, and technology in sport.

The Performance in Sport and Exercise is comprised of the following sections related to human movement sciences:
• Physical Activity, Health and Exercise
• Physiology and Nutrition
• Sport and Exercise Psychology
• Sports Medicine and Biomechanics
• Performance in Sport
• Technology in Sport

Manuscript Submission Guidelines:
All manuscripts must be submitted on-line at http://www.aspam.ankara.edu.tr/PASE following the instructions below. Manuscripts submitted via e-mail will not be considered for publication.
1. A cover letter must accompany the manuscript and state the following: ''This manuscript is original and not previously published in any form including on preprint servers, nor is it being considered elsewhere until a decision is made as to its acceptability by the PASE Editorial Review Board.'' Please include the corresponding author's full contact information, including address, email, and phone number. The corresponding author assumes full ownership for all communication related to the manuscript with the journal office.
2. All authors must respond to the automated e-mail and complete the copyright transfer form during the submission process. Manuscript acceptability will not be determined until all forms have been completed. Corresponding authors are strongly encouraged to supervise the completion of the form from all co-authors.
3. All authors should be actively involved in the publication, be able to defend the paper and its findings, take full responsibility for all of its content, and should have signed off on the final version that is submitted. All authors must have made significant contributions to manuscript to justify authorship and individual author contributions may be disclosed in the Acknowledgments section. The order of authorship must be agreed upon by all authors prior to initial submission to PASE.
4. The ASPAM and the Editorial Board of the PASE have endorsed the American College of Sports Medicine’s policies with regards to animal and human experimentation. Their guidelines can be found online at http://www.editorialmanager.com/msse/. Please read these policies carefully. Each manuscript must show that they have had Institutional Board approval for their research and appropriate consent has been obtained pursuant to law. All manuscripts must have this clearly stated in the methods section of the paper or the manuscript will not be considered for publication. Exempt studies involving human subjects (i.e. retrospective data analysis, analysis of publically available data, educational research, analysis of surveys and interviews) must include a statement of Institutional Review Board approval per journal policy.
5. All manuscripts must be double-spaced with an additional space between paragraphs. The paper should include a minimum of 1-inch margins and page numbers in the upper right corner next to the running head. Authors must use terminology based upon the International System of Units (SI). A full list of SI units can be accessed online at http://physics.nist.gov/.
6. The PASE endorses the same policies as the American College of Sports Medicine in that the language is English for the publication. ‘‘Authors who speak English as a second language are encouraged to seek the assistance of a colleague experienced in writing for English language journals. Authors are encouraged to use nonsexist language as defined in the American Psychologist 30:682- 684, 1975, and to be sensitive to the semantic description of persons with chronic diseases and disabilities, as outlined in an editorial in Medicine & Science in Sports & Exercise_, 23(11), 1991. As a general rule, only standardized abbreviations and symbols should be used. If unfamiliar abbreviations are employed, they should be defined when they first appear in the text. Authors should follow Webster’s Tenth Collegiate Dictionary for spelling, compounding, and division of words. Trademark names should be capitalized and the spelling verified. Chemical or generic names should precede the trade name or abbreviation of a drug the first time it is used in the text.’’
7. There are no word limitations to original studies and reviews but authors are instructed to be concise and accurate in their presentation and length will be evaluated by the Editor and reviewers for appropriateness.
8. Scientific misconduct (i.e. data fabrication, falsification, deceptive image manipulation, plagiarism, ethics violations, undisclosed conflicts of interest, duplicate publication, and human/animal research violations) will not be tolerated. Concerns of alleged scientific misconduct should be brought to the attention of the Editor-in-Chief for review using procedures established by the Committee on Publication Ethics (COPE) (publicationethics.org/resources/flowcharts). Pending review of the claims, consequential actions may include rejection of the submitted manuscript of interest, informing the authors’ institution of the alleged misconduct, retraction of a previously-published paper, and potential debarment of the author(s) from future PASE publication. Additional scientific misconduct details may be found at http://www.icmje.org/. Acknowledgment of honest error, omission, or differences in data interpretation that do not alter the findings of a paper may occur via the Manuscript Clarification process or publication of an Erratum.
Please Note:
Please make sure it is noted under the "Subjects" section in the methods that the study was approved by an Institutional Review Board (IRB) or Ethics Board and that the subjects were informed of the benefits and risks of the investigation prior to signing an institutionally approved informed consent document to participate in the study. Additionally, if anyone who is under the age of 18 years of age is included, it should also be noted that parental or guardian signed consent was obtained. Please give the age range if the mean and SD suggest the subjects may have been under the age of 18 years. Authors are encouraged to include the IRB protocol or approval number.
Make sure you have all your tables and figures attached and noted in the text of paper as well as below a paragraph of where it should be placed.
Very important- Table files must be made in Word not copied into Word.
Manuscript Preparation:
- Title page:
The title page should include the manuscript title, brief running head, laboratory(s) where the research was conducted, authors’ full name(s) spelled out with middle initials, department(s), institution(s), full mailing address of corresponding author including telephone and fax numbers, and email address, and disclosure of funding received for this work from any of the organizations. Regarding authorship, each contributor should have played a role in at least two of the following areas: research concept and study design, literature review, data collection, data analysis and interpretation, statistical analyses, writing of the manuscript, or reviewing/editing a draft of the manuscript.
- Blind title page:
A second title page should be included that contains only the manuscript title. This will be used to send to the reviewers in our double blind process of review. Do not place identifying information in the Acknowledgment portion of the paper or anywhere else in the manuscript.
- Abstract and key words:
On a separate page, the manuscript must have an abstract with a limit of 250 words followed by 3-6 key words not used in the title. The abstract should have sentences (no headings) related to the purpose of the study, brief methods, results, conclusions and practical applications, and should include a statement denoting the level of significance set for the study (i.e. ρ ≤ 0.05).
- Text:
The text must contain the following sections with titles in ALL CAPS (i.e. Introduction, Methods, Findings, Discussion, Conclusions, Acknowledgments, and References) in this exact order:
A. Introduction. This section is a careful development of the hypotheses of the study leading to the clear purpose of the investigation. It should include the practical question that forms the basis of the study and how it may influence strength and conditioning practices. In most cases use no subheadings in this section and try to limit it to 4-6 concisely written paragraphs. The subject matter does not have to be exhaustively reviewed in this section.
B. Methods. Within the methods section, the following subheadings are required in the following order: ''Study design,'' where the author(s) show how their study design will be able to test the hypotheses developed in the introduction and give some basic rationales for the choices made for the independent and dependent variables used in the study; ''Subjects,'' where the authors include the Institutional Review Board or Ethics Committee approval of their project and appropriate informed consent has been gained. Eligibility criteria for subject selection should be included in the manuscript. Authors should include relative descriptive information such as age, height, body mass, and when appropriate the training status and training history of the subjects, e.g. years of training or sport experience. When appropriate, dietary controls and supervision should be described. All subject characteristics that are not dependent variables of the study should be included in this section and not in the Findings; ''Procedures,'' in this section the methods used are presented with the concept of ''replication of the study'' kept in mind. Authors should describe the research design used in the study. Training programs and testing methods used should be described in detail. Authors are strongly encouraged to include a Control group/condition when appropriate. If a Control group/condition is not used, authors must provide test-retest reliability coefficients of the measures used during protocols involving multiple testing periods. Test-retest reliability data should be generated from the authors' laboratory and not merely cited from literature obtained in other laboratories. Additionally, reviewers will look for experimental control for time of day, hydration, sleep and nutritional status. ''Statistical Analyses,'' here is where you clearly state your statistical approach to the analysis of the data set(s). It is important that you include your alpha level for significance (e.g., ρ ≤ 0.05). Please place your statistical power in the manuscript for the n size used and reliability of the dependent measures with intra-class correlations (ICC Rs). Additional subheadings can be used but should be limited. Authors should report effect sizes and confidence intervals when appropriate. Traditional statistical procedures must be used. The magnitude-based inference (MBI) approach may be used but only in conjunction with traditional methods.
C. Findings. Present the results of your study in this section. Put the most important findings in Figure or Table format and less important findings in the text. Do not include data that is not part of the experimental design or that has been published before. Authors should not replicate data present in the text in tables or figures.
D. Discussion. Discuss the meaning of the results of your study in this section. Relate them to the literature that currently exists and make sure you bring the paper to completion with each of your hypotheses. Authors should emphasize the new and unique findings of the study. Conclusions should be supported by the data presented. Limit obvious statements like, ‘‘more research is needed.’’
E. Conclusion. In this section, tell the readers how your data can be applied and used. It should reflect the answer to the question posed in the Introduction. This section should be limited to 350 words or less.
- References:
All references must be alphabetized by surname of first author and numbered. References are cited in the text by numbers [e.g., (4,9)]. All references listed must be cited in the manuscript and referred to by number therein. For original investigations, please limit the number of references to fewer than 45 or explain why more are necessary. The Editorial Office reserves the right to ask authors to reduce the number of references in the manuscript. It is acceptable to cite a published Research Abstract only if it is a sole source of information in that specific scientific area. PASE forbids the citation of manuscripts published on preprint servers. For journal entries with 6 or more co-authors, please list the first 3 names followed by "et al." When citing chapters within an edited textbook, authors must specifically cite the chapter author names (not the editors). Authors must also include the chapter name and page range for all book references. Please check references carefully for accuracy. Changes to references at the proof stage, especially changes affecting the numerical order in which they appear, will result in author revision fees. It is recommended that authors update the final reference list by either manually checking each reference to ensure proper formatting or updating their End Note software. To update the software, End Note users may edit "Output Styles" for PASE and save the changes. Users may click "Citations" and "Author Lists" to edit "Author Separators" "and "Abbreviated Author List". This will allow users to remove the term "and" and use "et al." for referencing. If using End Note please double-check citations and make sure journal article titles do not have all words capitalized and journal titles are abbreviated properly and italicized.
Below are several examples of references:
Journal Article:
Hawling, SF, Stone, RL, Lally, DA, Krock, LP. Estimation of aerobic capacity from submaximal cycle ergometry in women. Med Sci Sports Exerc 27: 452–457, 1995.
Kraemer, WJ, Hatfield DL, Comstock, BA, et al. Influence of HMB supplementation and resistance training on cytokines responses to resistance exercise. J Am Coll Nutr 33: 247-255, 2014.
Lohman, TG. Advances in Body Composition Assessment. Champaign, IL: Human Kinetics, 1992.
Chapter in an edited book:
Yahara, ML. The shoulder. In: Clinical Orthopedic Physical Therapy. J.K. Richardson and Z.A. Iglarsh, eds. Philadelphia: Saunders, 1994. pp. 159–199.
Howard, A. Moments ½software_. University of Queensland, 1992.
Viru, A, Viru, M, Harris, R, Oopik, V, Nurmekivi, A, Medinen, L, Timpmann, S. Performance capacity in middle-distance runners after enrichment of diet by creatine and creatine action on protein synthesis rate. In: Proceedings of the 2nd Maccabiah-Wingate International Congress of Sport and Coaching Sciences. G. Tenenbaum and T. Raz-Liebermann, eds. Netanya, Israel, Wingate Institute, 1993. pp. 22–30.
Bartholmew, SA. Plyometric and vertical jump training. Master’s thesis, University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill, 1985.
- Acknowledgments:
In this section you can place the information related to identification of funding sources; current contact information of corresponding author; and gratitude to other people involved with the conduct of the experiment. In this part of the paper the conflict of interest information must be included. In particular, authors should: 1) Disclose professional relationships with companies or manufacturers who will benefit from the results of the present study, 2) Cite the specific grant support for the study and 3) State that the results of the present study do not constitute endorsement of the product by the authors. Failure to disclose such information could result in the rejection of the submitted manuscript. In addition, individual author contributions to the manuscript may be listed here.
- Figures:
Figure legends should appear on a separate page, with each figure appearing on its own separate page. One set of figures should accompany each manuscript. Use only clearly delineated symbols and bars. Please do not mask the facial features of subjects in figures. Permission of the subject to use his/her likeness in the Journal should be included in each submission. Photo release forms may be downloaded from the Information for Authors page at https://.....................................
Electronic photographs copied and pasted into Word and PowerPoint will not be accepted. Images should be scanned at a minimum of 300 pixels per inch (ppi). Line art should be scanned at 1200 ppi. Please indicate the file format of the graphics. We accept TIFF or EPS format for both Macintosh and PC platforms. We also accept image files in the following Native Application File Formats:
- Adobe Photoshop (.psd)
- Illustrator (.ai)
- PowerPoint (.ppt)
- QuarkXPress (.qxd)
If you will be using a digital camera to capture images for print production, you must use the highest resolution setting option with the least amount of compression. Digital camera manufacturers use many different terms and file formats when capturing high-resolution images, so please refer to your camera’s manual for more information.
Placement: Make sure that you have cited each figure and table in the text of the manuscript. Also show where it is to be place by noting this between paragraphs, such as Figure 1 about here or Table 1 about here.
Color figures: The journal accepts color figures for publication that will enhance an article. Authors who submit color figures will receive an estimate of the cost for color reproduction in print. If they decide not to pay for color reproduction in print, they can request that the figures be converted to black and white at no charge. All color figures can appear in color in the online version of the journal at no charge (Note: this includes the online version on the journal website and Ovid, but not the iPad edition currently).
- Tables:
Tables must be double-spaced on separate sheets and include a brief title. Provide generous spacing within tables and use as few line rules as possible. When tables are necessary, the information should not duplicate data in the text. All figures and tables must include standard deviations or standard errors. Please be careful to limit tables that extend to multiple Word document pages.

Online Manuscript Submision and Review Process:
The Performance in Sport and Exercise (PASE) is the official journal of Ankara University Performance Analysis in Sports Application and Research Center (ASPAM). The PASE is published biannually in English. PASE publishes original investigations, systematic, and narrative reviews and meta-analyses, symposia, research notes, and technical and methodological reports contributing to the knowledge about in sport sciences. All editorial decisions are final and will be based on the quality, clarity, style, rank, and importance of the submission relative to the goals and objectives of the ASPAM and the Journal.
PASE editors will administratively reject a paper before review if it is deemed to have very low impact on practice, out of scope of the journal, poor experimental design, improperly formatted, and/or poorly written. Additionally, upon any revision the manuscript can be rejected if experimental issues and impact are not adequately addressed to reviewers, field editor, or Editor-in-Chief's satisfaction. The formatting of the manuscript is of great importance and manuscripts will be rejected if not properly formatted.
- Editorial mission statement:
A unique aspect of this journal is the inclusion of recommendations for the practical use of research findings. This journal wishes to promote the publication that add to our understanding through exercise and sport science. The exercise and sport science impact a wide range of populations from children to older adults, from youth sport to professional athletes. Understanding the conditioning process and how other practices such as such as nutrition, technology, exercise techniques, and biomechanics support it is important for the practitioner to know.
- Original research:
PASE publishes research on the effects of training programs on physical performance and function to the underlying biological basis for exercise performance as well as research from a number of disciplines attempting to gain insights about sport, sport demands, sport profiles, conditioning, and exercise such as biomechanics, exercise physiology, motor learning, nutrition, and psychology. A primary goal of PASE is to provide an improved scientific basis for conditioning practices. PASE will only consider original manuscripts not currently under consideration from other journals. PASE will not consider any manuscripts previously published on preprint servers or resubmitted manuscripts previously rejected by PASE.
- Artical types:
PASE publishes original investigations, symposia, brief systematic, and narrative reviews and meta-analyses, technical reports and research notes that are related to the journal's mission. A symposium is a group of articles by different authors that address an issue from various perspectives. The reviews and meta-analyses should provide a critical examination of the literature and integrate the results of previous research in an attempt to educate the reader as to the basic and applied aspects of the topic. There is no word limit to the reviews. However, appropriate length will be determined by field editors and reviewers during the review process. We are especially interested in applied aspects of the reviewed literature. In addition, the author(s) should have experience and research background in the topic area they are writing about in order to claim expertise in this area of study and give credibility to their recommendations. A research note is a brief research study (about 1500-2000 words) that typically consists of a simple research design and only few dependent variables. It is formatted identical to an original study with the same features, i.e. Abstract, Introduction, Methods, Findings, Discussion, Conclusion and References, but with limited tables, figures, and reference numbers.
The PASE strongly encourages the submission of manuscripts detailing methodologies that help to advance the study and improve sport sciences.
- Manuscript clarifications:
Manuscript Clarifications will be considered and will only be published online if accepted. Not all requests for manuscript clarifications will be published due to costs or content importance. Each will be reviewed by a specific sub-committee of editors to determine if it merits publication. A written review with needed revisions will be provided if it merits consideration. Manuscript Clarifications are limited to 400 words and should only pose professional questions to the authors and not editorial comments. If accepted, a copy will be sent to the author of the original article with an invitation to submit answers to the questions in the same manner again with a 400 word limit. It will be reviewed by the sub-committee and revisions requested if needed before it is published. Only one round of correspondence between the research group initiating the Manuscript Clarification and the authors of the investigation in question will be permitted.

Ethical Principles and Publication Policies:
Publication Ethics &Malpractice Statement:
Publication Ethics:
The publication processes of the Performance in Sport and Exercise are based on the unbiased production, development and sharing of information using scientific methods.
Peer-reviewed articles are studies that ensure the application of the scientific method and impartiality. In the realization of scientific production, all components of the publication process; publishers, editors, authors, reviewers and readers must comply with ethical principles. In this context, the publication ethics and open access policy of the Performance in Sport and Exercise, within the framework of the guidelines and policies published by the Committee on Publication Ethics (COPE) (For example, "Code of Conduct and Best Practice Guidelines for Journal Editors" and "COPE Best Practice Guidelines for Journal Editors”) requires that all components of the publishing process comply with ethical principles.
If situations such as manipulating and distorting the data used in the articles and using fake data are detected, this situation will be officially notified to the institution where the article writer works and the article will be rejected. The Performance in Sport and Exercise has the right to request the output files of the analysis results from the authors according to the feedback given by the editor and/or reviewers.
Publisher's Ethical Responsibilities:
The Performance in Sport and Exercise is a non-profit public education institution that protects the public interest.
The Performance in Sport and Exercise’s Editorial Board is formed by the Ankara University Performance Analysis in Sports Application and Research Center Board of Directors. As the head of the Editorial Board, an editor and, depending on the situation, one or more assistant editors and field editors are determined. A new member is appointed to replace the leaving member. The term of the expired member can be extended.
Responsibilities of the Editorial Board of the Performance in Sport and Exercise:
• The Editorial Board of the Performance in Sport and Exercise is responsible for every article submitted to the Journal and even all processes after its publication, the Editorial Board knows this responsibility. This responsibility is based solely on the public interest in decisions on journal-related matters; it requires making decisions independently without considering personal benefits. The relationship between the Publisher and the Editorial Board is based on the principle of independence, and all decisions made by the editors are independent of the publisher and other persons and organizations.
• Editorial Board is strives to continuously improve the journal and increase its publication quality.
• Editorial Board ensures that journal policies such as publication, blind review, evaluation process and ethical principles are determined and implemented.
• The Editorial Board protects the copyright of the authors of the articles published in the Performance in Sport and Exercise.
• The Editorial Board is responsible for taking measures regarding intellectual property rights, unscientific-unethical behaviors, plagiarism, citation forgery during the publishing process of articles and journals.
• The Editorial Board prepares an "Author's Guide" containing the information requirements of the author (s) and a "Review Guide" containing the information that the reviewer will need during the evaluation phase, and updates it when necessary.
• The Editorial Board determines policies to encourage the reviewers and the author(s), keeps records of each article and correspondence related to the Journal, electronically or in print.
Ethical Responsibilities of Editor, Assistant Editors and Field Editors
• Editors endeavor to respond to the information needs of reviewers, author(s), researchers, practitioners and readers when necessary, to act according to the principles of clarity in matters that require correction and explanation during the publication process.
• When deciding on the publication of articles, editors take care that the articles are original and contribute to the scientific field, the reader, the researcher and the practitioners.
• When making positive or negative decisions about articles, editors consider the original value of the articles, their contribution to the field, the validity and reliability of the research method, the clarity of the expression, and the journal's purpose and scope.
• Editors take the submitted articles to the pre-evaluation stage unless the article has a significant problem, considers positive reviewer suggestions and does not change the decisions made by the previous editor (s) unless there is a problem.
• Editors follow the policies of blind review and evaluation process, which are among the publishing policies of the journal, keep the identity information of the referees confidential, and ensure that each article is evaluated objectively and in time.
• Editors sends the articles by taking into account the field of expertise of the editors and reviewers, and they support the impartial and independent evaluation.
• Editors consider whether there is a conflict of interest between editors, reviewers and author(s) for unbiased evaluation of the article.
• Editors seek to ensure that the reviewer pool consists of a wide variety and is constantly updated.
• Editors avoid unscientific reviews that do not follow academic etiquette.
• Editors ensure that the journal publishing processes are operated under publishing policies and guidelines, inform their field of duty in the process about the developments in publication policies, and prepare training programs when necessary.
• Editors communicate effectively with everyone involved in the publishing process and hold meetings at regular periods.
• Editors ensure the protection of personal data in reviewed articles; protect individual data of authors, reviewers and readers.
• Editors; They pay attention to the protection of human and animal rights in their articles, they care about documenting the express consent of the participants of the article. When the ethics committee approval of the participants of the article does not have permission for experimental research, they reject the article.
• Editors; they take precautions against misconduct. When there are complaints about misconduct, they make an objective investigation and share their findings.
• Editors ensure that errors, inconsistencies or misdirections in the articles are corrected.
• Editors protect the intellectual property rights of the published articles and defend the rights of the journal and the author(s) in case of violation. Besides, they take necessary measures to ensure that the content of published articles does not infringe the intellectual property rights of other publications; They do the authenticity-similarity check.
• Editors take into account the consistent criticism of the articles published in the Journal and give the author(s) the right to reply to the criticized articles.
• Editors also consider studies with negative results.
• Editors examine the complaints submitted to the Journal and make the necessary explanations.
Ethical Responsibilities of Reviewers:
In the process of evaluating the articles of the Performance in Sport and Exercise, the double-blind review principle is applied. Referees cannot communicate directly with authors; The article evaluation forms and the notes stated on the text and the correction requests are forwarded to the author(s) by the editors through the journal management system. Reviewers ho will evaluate the articles should carry the following ethical responsibilities:
• Reviewers should only agree to evaluate articles related to their field of expertise.
• Reviewers should assess in neutral and confidentiality. Under this principle, they should destroy the articles they have reviewed after the evaluation process, but use them after they are published. Nationality, gender, religious belief, political belief and commercial concerns should not distort the neutrality of the evaluation.
• When the reviewers understand that there is a conflict of interest, they should refuse to evaluate the article and inform the editors.
• Reviewers should assess constructive language in accordance with academic etiquette; Avoid personal comments containing insults and hostility.
• Reviewers should evaluate the article they have accepted to evaluate, within the time limit.
Ethical Responsibilities of Authors:
Ethical responsibilities of the author(s) who apply for an article to the Performance in Sport and Exercise:
• The author(s) should not submit an article that they have published elsewhere or submitted for publication, or more than one article at the same time.
• Author(s) should submit an original article to the Performance in Sport and Exercise.
• The author(s) must correctly refer (cite) to the sources they use during the writing of the article in line with ethical principles.
• The names of persons who do not contribute to the article should not be written as authors, changing the order of authors, removing authors, adding authors should not be requested for an article submitted for publication.
• Individuals who have a conflict of interest and a common interest related to the article for publication must be notified to the editors.
• If information or raw data is requested from the author(s) during the evaluation process, they should submit the expected information to the Editors.
• The author(s) must document that the rights to use the data they use in their articles, permission for research-analysis, or the consent of the participants on which they have researched.
• The author(s) should contact the editor to inform, correct or retract when they notice an error in the evaluation and early viewing or electronically published article.
• The author (s) must confirm that they have received ethics committee approval for research that requires data collection through quantitative or qualitative methods, such as experiments, questionnaires, scales, interviews, observations, focus groups, etc. The name, date and number of the ethics committee should be stated on the first-last page of the candidate article and in the method section, and the document showing the ethics committee decision should be uploaded to the system along with the application of the article. Also, case reports should include information about obtaining informed consent / obtaining consent form in the article.
• The author (s) should present in the article the evidence that they adhere to ethical principles in the data collection process (such as obtaining permission from others to use documents such as scale, questionnaire, photograph). It should be stated in the articles that research and publication ethics and copyright regulations for intellectual and artistic works are followed. If the research was carried out on human and animal subjects, it should be reported that the research was carried out in accordance with international reports, guidelines, etc.
• Ethics committee approval is not required from the author (s) for review articles. However, it should be stated in the first-last page and method section of the article that an ethics committee decision is not required for articles that do not require an ethics committee decision.
Notifying the Editor of Non-Compliance with Ethical Principles:
In case of encountering an unethical situation with an article in an early view or an article in the process of non-ethical behavior or an evaluation process regarding editors, reviewers and authors it should be reported to aspam@ankara.edu.tr e-mail address.
Author fees:
PASE does not charge authors a manuscript submission fee or page charges. However, once a manuscript is accepted for publication and sent in for typesetting, it is expected to be in its final form.
For permission and/or rights to use content for which the copyright holder is the Ankara University Performance Analysis in Sports Application and Research Center, please go to the journal's website and after clicking on the relevant article, click on the ‘‘Request Permissions’’ link under the article. Alternatively, send an e-mail to aspam@ankara.edu.tr
Authors will receive an email notification with a link to the order form soon after their article publishes in the journal (https://........................................). Reprints are normally shipped 6 to 8 weeks after publication of the issue in which the item appears. Contact the Reprint Department, Ankara Universitesi 50. Yil Yerleskesi, Spor Bilimleri Fakultesi, 06830, Golbasi, Ankara/TURKEY; E-mail: aspam@ankara.edu.tr with any questions.
E-mail: aspam@ankara.edu.tr

PASE does not charge authors a manuscript submission fee or page charges. However, once a manuscript is accepted for publication and sent in for typesetting, it is expected to be in its final form.